Thoughts. So Many Thoughts.
I'm not one to post my own thoughts and opinions. I'm a writer, but also an introvert. I don't mind creating characters and publicizing their thoughts and opinions, but my own personal world? That's just kinda private.
But in the wake of the Connecticut tragedy, I have a few thoughts to share.
Heck, no one reads this anyway. It's kind of like sharing with the wall.
I try to write funny. Funny comes easily, it gives me a lift, and hopefully it gives my readers something too. Something light. Something happy. Something good.
But how can a person think funny thoughts in a world where crazed shooters take the lives of innocent children en masse?
The only conclusion I come up with is this: Humor helps us enjoy life. It gives meaning to life. Pleasure.
Life, which may end at any time.
I hope those little children were happy right up until the end. I hope that, until that lunatic forced his damn way into their world, they were having a good day at school. I hope they ate a delicious breakfast and their parents kissed them goodbye. I hope that, as a matter of morning ritual, the adults at their school treated them to a joke, a silly story, or at least a smile.
Because for them, life was not about quantity. But hopefully, it was about quality.
Humor is not everything. But it can help bring quality to life. I know I'll still find funny words to write. But not today.
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